// // Switch file browsing to OS native browser // Reason: _Slow_, missing features, bugs // (delete shortcut to folder will delete folder, ...) // Menu: Window > Settings/Preferences > Settings > Files/Projects optionVar -iv FileDialogStyle 1; // To show file extensions in filter settings optionVar -iv FileDialogHideExtension false; // Increase undo queue size // Window > Settings/Preferences > Preferences > Settings > Undo undoInfo -length 150; // Disable mouse scroll wheel in viewport (will still work in menus, etc) // Reason: Undo gets broken if you scroll the mouse, while the mouse-wheel is pressed. // Menu: Windows > Settings/Preferences > Preferences > Interface > Devices > Mouse scroll wheel mouse -enableScrollWheel false; // hotBox transparency to 0% // Reason: It is easier / faster to read // Menu: Right quarter in hotbox: Hotbox controls > Set transparency hotBox -tr 0; // Grey background color, like the default in older Maya versions // Menu: Windows > Settings/Preferences > Color Settings // Default shortcut: alt+b displayRGBColor "background" 0.631 0.631 0.631; // displayRGBColor -q "background";// Get current background color: // Hide UI elements // Reason: Increase viewport space. // Menu: Display > UI Elements > ... // Or right click on a double dotted line on the edge of a visible UI element (status bar, timeline, ...) // Or hotBox, left-click in empty space in the right quarter. ToggleModelEditorBars;// Every option can be reached with two clicks toggleUIComponentVisibility "Tool Box";// Using default shortcutsQWERZY... instead. And top quarter of hotbox for camera setups //toggleUIComponentVisibility "Range Slider";// I rarely change it toggleUIComponentVisibility "Help Line";// Not usefull after using Maya for years //toggleUIComponentVisibility "Status Line"; toggleUIComponentVisibility "Shelf"; // Disable the interactive Polygon / NURBS creation. // Reason: To save clicks / time. I get to the desired shape faster using modeling tools. // Menu: Create / NURBS Primitives / Interactive Creation /*// only works after menu has been opened optionVar -intValue createNurbsPrimitiveAsTool 0;// nurbs menuItem -e -cb 0 toggleCreateNurbsPrimitivesAsToolItem; // nurbs optionVar -intValue createPolyPrimitiveAsTool 0;// poly menuItem -e -cb 0 toggleCreatePolyPrimitivesAsToolItem;// poly */ // Playback range of 100 frames. // Reason: More frames for deformation test animations. Still easy to identify each frame playbackOptions -min 1 -max 100; // This is also a "New Scene" option, so to fix it there: optionVar -fv playbackMinDefault 1; optionVar -fv playbackMaxDefault 100; optionVar -fv playbackMinRangeDefault 1; optionVar -fv playbackMaxRangeDefault 100; // Hotbox show one type only (animation, ...) // Reason: I use the hotbox for most operations, so I want it to be small to be able to click faster. hotBox -ao; setMenuMode animationMenuSet;// updateHotboxOptionVarSettings(); // Remove viewcube // Reason: Save space, it does not help me. viewManip -visible off; optionVar -iv viewCubeShowCube 0; // More precise channel box attribute sliding channelBoxSettings hyperbolic true; // More precise channel box display global string $gChannelBoxName; channelBox -e -precision 4 $gChannelBoxName; // Heads-up display // Display > Heads Up Display > Poly Count setPolyCountVisibility 1; // Display > Heads Up Display > Frame Rate setFrameRateVisibility 1; // Linear animation curves (for test animations / skinning) keyTangent -global -itt linear; keyTangent -global -ott linear; // Reduce camera animation time // Window > Settings/Preferences > Preferences > Settings > Camera > Animate Camera Transitions > Total Time optionVar -fv "totalAnimateRollTime" 0.1; // command line: hold focus // Preferences > Interface > Interface > Command Line [] Hold focus optionVar -iv commandLineHoldFocus true; commandLine -e -holdFocus true $gCommandLine; // Save preferences SavePreferences; saveToolSettings; // ----------------------------------------- // MANUAL SETTINGS / TEST // ----------------------------------------- // Disable "Automatic Orient Joints" in Move tool // The following command does not work, because it will not get stored to the default move tool context. // string $myMoveContext = `manipMoveContext`; // manipMoveContext -e -orientJointEnabled 0 $myMoveContext; // Hypershade: Hide left and top areas, so only work area is left. Also change material display from icon to list, so materials/textures do not get loaded when opening hypershade // Note: Hypershade settings do not seem to get stored (except position and window size, maybe write in usersetup file)?... // In Paint skin weights tool disable "Display > XRay Joints" because when leaving tool xray joint stays active and I rarely use it in the first place // Show > Isolate Select > Auto Load New Objects // string $eachPanel; // for ($eachPanel in `get all panels`){ // isoSelectAutoAddNewObjs $eachPanel true; } // // ----------------------------------------- // 2014 // ----------------------------------------- // ignore version optionVar -intValue fileIgnoreVersion true; // incremental save // edge flow 1.0 everywhere // //
Some Maya related Windows settings I like to change::
- Computer > Properties > Advanced System settings > Advanced > Performance > Visual Effects > Adjust for best performance
- Mouse: Increase speed, disable "precision" (mouse accelleration)
- Taskbar: Small icons, do not combine icons/tabs
Result will look like this on Windows 7 |
thanks for your script!