Because the investing information market place is dominated by bad actors, which directly or indirectly promote bad investment behavior, I want to do my part by sharing my favorite educational material, which allows anyone to understand the underlying principles and resulting incentives. And as a result see through the noise and not act against their own interest.
- total market index funds
- minimize fees
- minimize taxes
- factor investing
- leverage
- trying to beat the stock market
- actively managed funds
- stock picking (country picking, sector picking, dividend investing, ..)
- market timing
very bad
- speculating on non productive asset prices (precious metals, crypto/nft)
Why total market index funds and not trying to beat the stock market:
- (51 min interview) Jack Bogle on Index Funds, Vanguard, and Investing Advice
- (Text) Jack Bogle: "The Relentless Rules of Humble Arithmetic"
- (5 hour audiobook) Jack Bogle - The Little Book of Common Sense Investing
- (3 min video) Warren Buffett pays tribute to Jack Bogle
- (6 min video) Warren Buffett - How to Invest in Index Funds
The only reasonable divergence, that I am aware of, to actually increase expected returns, but comes with major increase in risk, volatility and complexity:
- factor investing
- (7 min interview) Eugene Fama - Why Small Caps and Value Stocks Outperform
- (16 min video) Ben Felix - Small Cap and Value Stocks
- leverage:
- (13 min video) Ben Felix - Investing With Leverage
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