
prSelectionUi 2023.0 update with Python 3.0 support

A few months ago I released an update (2023.0) for prSelectionUi that supports Python 3 (Maya >2022.x). It also still works with older Maya versions (Python 2.0).

You can get it here: https://pazrot.gumroad.com/l/prselectionui

It still requires PyMEL to be installed, which sadly has become more difficult with the PyMEL installation switching to pip. I think that installation change was a bad call and I regret using PyMEL. The time I saved was not worth the time lost for the users, and I might now have to rewrite the script with maya.cmds anyways.


Common sense #1: Investing

Because the investing information market place is dominated by bad actors, which directly or indirectly promote bad investment behavior, I want to do my part by sharing my favorite educational material, which allows anyone to understand the underlying principles and resulting incentives. And as a result see through the noise and not act against their own interest.


  • total market index funds 
  • minimize fees 
  • minimize taxes 
  • factor investing 
  • leverage
  • trying to beat the stock market 
    • actively managed funds 
    • stock picking (country picking, sector picking, dividend investing, ..) 
    • market timing 
very bad 
  • speculating on non productive asset prices (precious metals, crypto/nft)


Why total market index funds and not trying to beat the stock market: 
Once you understand how trying to beat the stock market is a bad idea, you also understand that trying to beat the market of non productive asset pricing is an even worse idea.
The only reasonable divergence, that I am aware of, to actually increase expected returns, but comes with major increase in risk, volatility and complexity:


2019 - Scoob! rigging reel

  • Content from 2019, for the animated feature film "Scoob!". It was my first show after moving to Canada and starting as Senior Rigging Artist at Reel FX.
  • Was done for my 2020-2021 demo reel that got me to Vancouver / VFX
  • I used a blinn/highlight shader to be more honest and show the surface curvature. With lambert/flat shaders you can get away with a lot more. Even wireframe is pretty forgiving. 
  • Velma body rig (0:01 - 0:32):
    • I could not actually find good body deformation shots in the movie, because she does not move much in general and wears a thick sweater. 
    • 0:08 Deformation issue when metacarpals are offset. This area was always a struggle, because of the topology. It was the standard hand topology at the time and not supposed to be changed. That's why I didn't show the hands in the breakdown.
    • 0:11 clavicle up chest corrective blending issue. It stops suddenly, when it should fade out or extend instead.
  • Cpt. Caveman face rig (0:32 - 0:59)
    • His face has a high range of motion with close ups in the movie, so I was happy with the shots that I could select for this demo.
    • 0:48 Eyelid, mouth corner topology distortions: I did major retopology, maybe full retopology for his face, but afterwards there was a design change, which created these topology distortions in this somewhat neutral pose (The design/model change was great though)
    • 0:57 shape and blend issues between eyebrows.