
BabyDragon walkcycle rig breakdown

Baby Dragon walkcycle rig breakdown from Parzival Roethlein on Vimeo.

This is a personal project from early 2013.
When I saw a turntable of the dragon on Vimeo (https://vimeo.com/52581835), I contacted the modeler. And after I was done with the rig a co-worker / fellow student did the animation.

For the neck / spine / tail I used the curve/up-curve setup, described in an older post of mine, with one joint for each spike:
Joint chain rigging techniques

Modeller/Surfacing: Angel Navarro angelnavarroart.com/
Character TD: Parzival Roethlein
Animator: Alexander Dietrich cargocollective.com/alexanderdietrich

Unrelated to this post, I recently updated an older post:
Maya naming conventions